Thursday, August 2, 2012

To Funny I see it's been a very long time since I have been here,I guess I need to come back an d do some updating.

Saturday, March 28, 2009


I haven't been very faithful in keeping my blog updated. Things have been kinda yucky around here we had two different kinds of flu hit our house in two weeks time and it wasn't much fun. First Sarah and I had a horrible cold Sarah had the croup cough and a ear infection and I was just sick! Then Alanna and Sarah got a tummy virus, What a mess! Sure am glad that everyone is up and feeling so much better.

Today Alanna and I went to a Spring Festival while Sarah stayed home with Pa. We had a lot of fun but got sun burned a little.
We forgot to take the camera.

Last week -end we took the girls to the county fair that was fun.

My parents left for Ohio yesterday they came to Florida for a few month, I wish they would just stay here all the time, We will miss them!

Mike is going back to the Dr. next week to get his out leg checked out again, it is still hurting, he is trying to walk without his cane but it bothers him quite a bit.

Well the baby is up so I gotta go.

My Dad

Dad reading the News Paper

Story Time

papa and his Harley Babes

Sarah what are you doing?

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Ralph's Orchid

A dear friend and client of mine died on Fathers day last year
and I brought home an orchid plant of his, and it is so beautiful
right now it has 13 of these blooms on it.

We took the girls to Jungle Gardens

Christopher's Birthday cake


My sister Linda and her children Joshua, Christopher and Molly
came to Florida for a week we were at the beach a lot.

Alanna at the beach


I took the girls to see Mike at the hospital, on the 16th Mike was hit on his Motorcycle. We are so greatful that his life was spared.He was thrown 50 ft in on coming traffic and everyone got stopped and didn't hit him. It's been 3 weeks now and he is still on crutches. He has a blood clot in his leg.His leg got smashed between the motorcycle and the car that hit him. His bike was totaled.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Megan, Lisa and Lori

Visiting friends in Orlando

Alanna playing in the Sand

We went to Orlando this last week-end to see
Rob, Deanna and Sarah Chiply.
Deanna took these pictures of Alanna on their beach.
Thanks Deanna!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The girls are growing so fast!

Hi everyone!

Wow it's been a crazy month and a half,as some of you know after we got most of Kristine's house ready for her she decided she didn't want to live there, We painted and cleaned for weeks.Oh the things some children can put their parents through, and you just have to pick yourself up and go on.

We have all had some pretty severe coughs and colds. Little Sarah was really really sick.Kristine says she is doing better.

Mike and I got some Christmas shopping done for the children, I love watching children eyes when they open Christmas presents. I put the Christmas tree up a week ago, at like 2:00 in the morning so I could see Alanna's expression when she got up in the morning. She takes the ornaments off the tree all day long, when I scold her she says Gama it's my tree!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

The girls

Alanna loves to get up in the morning before mommy and crawl into bed with Sarah and steal her Nuk

Alanna loves her new house

Alanna is outside most of the day now, Before they moved here she was stuck inside most of the time

Kristine's new living room

The Girls new room

We need to get Sarah's name for the wall

Alanna painted her nails

I have been very busy painting and cleaning this cute house for Kristine and the girls plus trying to keep up with the girls, well when I was busy doing somthing Alanna decided to paint her nails, we had nail polish every where. She is the busiest little girl I have ever seen. if you click on the picture you can see she actully got some on her nails.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Happy Baby

Sarah Grace is a very happy smiley baby,She loves her Pa.

My house is almost back together

Eva loves to pick flowers, so we put them in a vase, She did a good job with the colors.


Alanna and I went to the Fruitville Grove on Sunday afternoon,she had so much fun running and playing,seeing the hores,eating ice cream,but her favorite thing was to go pick out a pumpkin for her and Sarah.We had to park way out among the orange trees and she carried her two pumkins all the way to the car.

Friday, October 3, 2008


This is where I have been our dish washer broke and flooded the house, we have to tear out the flooring in 4 rooms,So I have decided to paint the walls too, so for a week I have done basiclly nothing but worked on this mess.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Alanna was watching a movie this morning.Notice Alanna is holding things in both hands, she walks around all day with little things in both her hands.


Eva and Alanna helped me make home made biscuits


Eva has beautiful hair (Most Of The Time)when she gets here the first thing I do is comb her hair and put them in little pony tails, her daddy says he can't do it.When I saw this shirt the other day I just couldn't resist I had to buy it.


Sarah is growing so fast,She doesn't have to wear her brace any more, the Dr, says her hips are fine. Thank God!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Sarah and PaPa

Sunday, July 20, 2008

dressed for church

Friday, July 18, 2008

Sarah Grace

Sarah is taking a break from her brace, and she still pulls her legs up.

In the dog house

Ringo puts up with these two all the time he is really good with them!

Sunday, July 13, 2008


Friday, July 11, 2008


Little update on Sarah Grace... She is growing and gaining weight. And she still has her pretty blue eyes, we are hoping they stay blue. Pa pa has blue eyes. The Dr says she has hip displaysha and has to wear a body brace for 3 month. She has been wearing it for 2 weeks now seems she has adapted fairly well. It really looks uncomfortable she looks like a little frog with her legs pulled up.. I think it's harder for us adults then it is for Sarah, sure hope it doesn't take 3 month to heal! Today was Kristine's first day back to work and Grandmas first day having both girls, all went well. I'm planning another trip to Ohio in a few weeks.

Sarah Grace is growing

Pa Pa and Sarah

Bath time

Just to sweet

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Ohio Pictures

Here we have the new bed room, flower garden, Megan reading on one of the porches and the living room

More pictures of mom and dads home